Our Neighbourhood
A few images from in & around Petts Wood.

Our Story
The Petts Wood and District Residents’ Association was formed on the 20th November 1929 to:
“Promote a sound economy in the parochial expenditure and establishment of a just and equal assessment and for the general interest, betterment and improvement of those residing at Petts Wood.”
During the war years the Association was dormant and became active again in 1950, holding its first committee meeting on the 26th June of that year. The PWDRA Constitution is available to view here.
Have Your Say
The Petts Wood District & Residents' Association would love to get some feedback from you regarding The Gazette as a way of notifying members what your local representatives have been working on.
Please complete the questions at the link below and at the end there will be an opportunity to leave some free text if your feedback is not covered by the questions. If you have any queries regarding completing this survey, do not hesitate to contact membership@pettswood.org.uk